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Learn how to prepare for a telephonic Interview

telephonic Interview

Understanding the Interview Process

Most companies have a set of employees known as ‘recruiters’ in their Human Resource (HR) department whose sole responsibility is hiring new employees. In smaller firms, the HR executives themselves double up as recruiters. In some companies, the recruitment process is outsourced to HR firms specializing in hiring. 

The recruiters usually visit job portals to scout for potential candidates. During this process, the recruiter scans candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and salary expectations and matches with the job profile. Candidates who meet the requirements of the job profile are then short-listed. These candidates are then contacted in order to initiate the interview process.  

What is a Telephonic Interview?

The interview process at most large firms and companies consists of multiple rounds. The telephonic interviews are usually conducted by recruiters during the initial stage of the hiring process. A telephone interview is conducted to decide whether the candidate is competent enough to face the next round in the interview process or not.

You, therefore, need to ace the Telephonic Interview Round to even be considered as a potential job prospect!

Must-Do List When Preparing for a Telephonic Interview

1. Keep your Resume ready for reference

Always keep a physical copy of your resume ready for reference. Interviewers tend to ask questions related to the skill sets you have mentioned on your resume.

When applying for jobs, some candidates have the tendency to edit their resumes to suit the job description of the hiring firm. In such a case, be ready with the physical copies of the different versions of your resume. On each specific resume version, mark the names of the companies you have forwarded the resume to for easy referencing.

2. Get a brief idea about the company/firm you have applied to

Once you forward your resume to a potential employer, make it a point to visit their official website, their LinkedIn profile or Google for more information on the employer. During the telephonic interview and even face-to-face interviews, recruiters tend to ask basic questions regarding the hiring company. (For example: “Do you know what industry vertical we specialize in?”  or “Are you comfortable working night shifts for our KPO process?”) Sounding clueless when questioned about the company in the telephonic interview is a big turn off to the prospective employer while sounding informed creates a positive first impression and means you are serious about the potential job offer.

3. Be accessible at all times, especially during work hours on weekdays

Drill this brutal reality into your mind: Your carefree college days are over, and you now need a job.  So, get serious about the job application process. What if you are away partying or enjoying with your friends? What if you phone battery has drained out or is dead? You will obviously end up missing potential interviewer calls. Note that most interviewers never call back a second time if you miss their call.

If there is too much background noise or if you are busy with some important work, then answer the call and inform the interviewer of a suitable time when you can attend the call or simply reply via SMS stating that you will get back once free.

4.  Be prepared with answers for frequently asked questions

Some common questions asked in a telephonic interview:

  • Tell me a little about yourself?
  • What were your job responsibilities in your previous company?
  • What is your current location?
  • Are you willing to relocate to another city?
  • What salary are you looking for?
  • Are you willing to travel?
  • Why did you apply for this position?
  • What’s your notice period? (Asked only if you currently have a job.)

You can do a mock interview call with one of your friends wherein he/she could conduct your telephonic interview. Ask your friend for genuine feedback and improve upon your weaknesses so that you don’t repeat them in an actual interview.

Why many rookies/freshers end up underestimating the Telephonic Interview Round

Your resume helped you get short-listed for the interview process. Many youngsters and rookie job seekers make the fatal mistake of assuming that a telephonic interview will be a cakewalk as they don’t have to dress up for the occasion, go to an office and face any intimidating strangers. If you too believe this myth, wake up! Rub your eyes!

Telephonic interviews are no child’s play. You must face the interviewer with the only tools at your disposal when speaking via a phone – your voice and communication skills.  You need to impress them with prompt and confident answers!! Even though you don’t need to be ready with a specific dress code, you still have to be mentally alert and ready to reply with eloquence (and occasionally wit) to the questions asked. 

How to End a Telephonic Interview?

Recommended Reading


Q1: What is a telephonic interview?

A1: Initial interview stage conducted over the phone by recruiters to assess candidate suitability.

Q2: How can candidates prepare for a telephonic interview?

A2: Keep resume ready, research the company, stay accessible, rehearse common questions.

Q3: What are some common questions asked in a telephonic interview?

A3: Tell me about yourself, job responsibilities, current location, willingness to relocate, salary expectations.

Q4: What tips should candidates follow during a telephonic interview?

A4: Charge phone battery, speak clearly, smile, eliminate background noise, keep resume handy, listen attentively.

Q5: Why is it important to take a telephonic interview seriously?

A5: It determines progression to next interview round, requires prompt and confident communication skills.

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