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Password Security Attacks and Tips for Strong Password

password security blog

Password Security Attacks and Tips for Strong Password

A password, sometimes called a passcode, PW, and PWD. It is a string of characters used to verify the identity of a user during the authentication process. In simple words, the password is a memorized secret used to confirm the identity of a user.  

A password can differ in length and can contain letters, numbers, and special characters. Passwords help ensure that devices, systems or social sites can only be accessed by those who have been granted the right to view or access them. 

Every password should be strong and secure so that hackers or anyone else could not use it for the wrong purpose. 

Types of Password Security Attacks

  • Brute Force Attack

In the brute force attack, a hacker uses a computer program or script to try to log in with possible password combinations. Hackers usually start with the easiest to guess passwords. 

  • Dictionary Attack

In a dictionary attack attacker uses a program or script to try to login by series through a combination of common words. Dictionary attacks succeed due to human tendency to choose passwords which are short, which easily predicted variations on words. 

  • Key Logger Attack 

In the key logger attack, the attacker uses a program to track all of a user’s keystrokes. This tracking program track all the details of users, so at the end of the day, everything the user has typed including their login IDs and passwords has been recorded. This type of attack is different from Brute Force and Dictionary attack because not even strong passwords provide must protect against it. 

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