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How to Become a Psychologist in India : Steps and Guidance

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How to Become a Psychologist


The study of human behaviour and mental processes, also known as psychology, is a fascinating field. If you’ve ever wondered how to become a psychologist, this article will guide you through the process. Psychologists analyse a person’s reactions, emotions, and behaviour, then use what they’ve learned to address the resulting behavioural issues. Rather than giving drugs for a “quick fix,” treatment focuses on therapy and counselling.


The study of human behaviour and mental processes, also known as psychology, is a fascinating field. If you’ve ever wondered How to Become a Psychologist, this article will guide you through the process. Psychologists analyse a person’s reactions, emotions, and behaviour, then use what they’ve learned to address the resulting behavioural issues. Rather than giving drugs for a “quick fix,” treatment focuses on therapy and counselling. If you’re interested in learning How to Become a Psychologist, keep reading.

What they do

Humans are among the most complicated creatures on the planet, necessitating a thorough grasp of the myriad factors that influence our minds and behaviours. Psychologists examine the human mind scientifically in order to answer many hard topics and deal with our daily stressors. It’s the perfect subject for someone with an inquisitive mind who wants to help others. A few things psychologists do as part of their work or research are listed below.

Skills Required

Psychologists work in a profession with no boundaries, in which they study a wide range of abilities that they can apply to their specialties or patients. In any corner of the world, psychologists perform one of the most important responsibilities. In order to work as a Psychologist in India, you must meet the following requirements

Psychologists are expected to have great communication skills in order to get their message across, assist patients with behavioural and mental disorders, and speak freely.

For psychologists to effectively diagnose their patients, they need a systematic account.

One must want to assist persons who are dealing with behavioural and mental issues in overcoming them.

Psychologists may have to deal with really difficult cases and must maintain patience throughout. Regardless of their everyday hardships, they must have great willpower and enthusiasm every day.

 Another important qualification for becoming a psychologist in India is the desire to assist patients in overcoming their mental issues.

How to Become a Psychologist?

If you’re wondering how to become a psychologist after 12th in India, the process involves several steps. To work as a psychologist in modern India, one needs first complete class 12 with Psychology as a subject and then pursue a BA or BS in Psychology followed by an MA or M.Sc in Psychology, Social Work, or Counseling.

Steps to Become a Psychologist

If you want to become a Psychologist, these are the steps to follow, particularly in India. The qualification for psychologist involves several stages of education and practical experience.

Before applying for a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, a student must pass their class 12 exams. General Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and various Statistics of Psychology are some of the prerequisite courses in psychology.

Working as an intern for a professor on a research project will provide further exposure to a student interested in Experimental Psychology. Working with physically unable children and spreading social awareness are both excellent opportunities for gaining experience.

The Developmental Psychology course requires you to volunteer at a mental health hospital or clinic.

Every year, workshops on a wide range of topics, from hypnosis to dream analysis, are held. This varies from college to college. It may be easier for a student to obtain work after graduation if he or she has gained experience while pursuing a psychology degree.

When choosing a stream, it's also important to consider which field is right for you. Clinical psychology, counselling psychology, research psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology are only a few examples. As a result, the candidates must choose a specialism based on their interests.

During postgraduate study, one might pursue an MA or M.Sc. in either Psychology, Social Work, or Counseling.

A doctorate is required in the vast majority of psychology fields. Psychology graduate schools only examine applicants with a competitive GRE score (1200 or higher), a GPA of 3.3 or higher, and volunteer or paid experience or internship in the subject, which adds additional value.

A two-year internship is required of the candidate. Many students will benefit from this because they will be receiving on-the-job training.

A student can also learn whether or not the specialty is right for them. During this time, the candidate will profit from the satisfaction of helping others.

Because careers in mental health institutions may require an approved internship, clinical and counselling psychology internships may need to be approved by some reputable organisations.

A psychology course must meet specific requirements before being accepted by the school.

Students must also pass a national level exam, and in some colleges, they must submit a case study to a panel of psychologists.

In the professional world, psychologists are classified into two divisions. Both involve the study of psychology, but the application of that knowledge occurs in different areas.

Types of Psychology

Clinical psychology is the discipline of psychology that studies and treats mental illness, mental state anomalies, and psychiatric issues. This branch of psychology encompasses the application of psychological science to the treatment of a variety of human problems, making it an intriguing field to pursue for those seeking a demanding and fascinating career.

Counselling psychology is a discipline of psychology that provides counselling to people suffering from a variety of issues. Counselling psychology is a branch of professional psychology dedicated to improving a person's emotional, social, health, development, and organisational concerns, all of which have an impact on their day-to-day lives on a worldwide scale.

Educational psychologists work mostly in educational institutions, where they offer advice to students who require it. It also allows the teacher to educate in a very well-behaved manner. Teachers' ability to educate and help students in order to handle the problems of today's age has become a major concern. Educational psychology aids in the betterment of teachers' preparation. A teacher must also teach his students how to understand their mental ability and mental status.

Psychology is concerned with the symbolism of a particular fact in general. This describes a person's perceptual psychology, as we all make judgments and create a lot of memories. The mental process is what one develops and who they are throughout the day, starting with the correct attire and ending with the food they eat. They will become who they are as a result of these cognitive processes.

Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that uses a scientific method to understand how people grow, change, and remain consistent over time. Developmental psychology explains how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours change over time. A substantial amount of ideas in this field focus on the development of children during childhood, as this is when the most change happens.

 In many regions of the world, particularly in densely populated areas, crime is a serious issue. As much as one wants for peace, crime-free living, and many other things, it is unlikely that these things will be realised anytime soon. In most cases, forensic psychology plays an important role at the site of a crime. One of the scientific methods for investigating a crime or a criminal might be classified as forensic. Forensic psychology can be thought of as a combination of law and psychology.

Neuropsychology is the study of brain behaviour, and it has applied the traditional theory-based approach to brain damage in order to understand its reserved and reduced cognitive functioning patterns. However, focal brain issues are uncommon in most mental diseases, and the true challenge of neuropsychology is to comprehend anomalous behaviour in terms of defective brain processing of information. This is more likely to be caused by irregular brain system functioning than by brain damage.

Gerontology is a discipline of psychology that investigates how the ageing process affects our mental, physical, and social life as we get older. The discipline has always placed a strong emphasis on treating those aged 65 and up. It has risen over time as the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, glaucoma, arthritis, and diabetes has increased.

Scope of Psychology

As previously said, psychology is one of India’s fastest growing subjects. Once the student has completed their psychology degree and internship, they should think about who would be the ideal candidate for the job.

Salary of Psychologists

The income of a psychologist is determined by a variety of elements, including qualification, degree certificate, area of expertise, and experience. Professional psychologists with a master’s degree, such as M.Phil. And a Ph.D. earns the proper amount of money as part of their annual wage.

The candidate’s starting salary will range from INR 1.79 LPA to INR 6.23 LPA. One can earn more money when they establish themselves in the area and specialise in any specialty.


Q1: What are the requirements to become a psychologist in India?

A1: Completing class 12 with Psychology, followed by a bachelor's and master's degree in Psychology, Social Work, or Counseling.

Q2: What are some key skills required in psychology?

A2: Good communication, analytical thinking, passion, patience, and drive.

Q3: What steps are involved in becoming a psychologist after completing 12th grade?

A3: Obtain a bachelor's degree, gain real-world experience, pursue a master's degree, obtain a doctoral degree, complete an internship, and practice psychology.

Q4: What are some top colleges offering psychology courses in India?

A4: Lady Shriram College (LSR), St. Xavier's College, Presidency College, Christ University, Kamala Nehru College, Sophia College for Women, among others.

Q5: What are different types of psychology specializations?

A5: Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Educational Psychology, Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Neuropsychology, and Geriatric Psychology.

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